
Monday, June 20, 2011

Strawberry Festival @ St. Lawrence Market

Hello Everyone,

So this week, I attempted to make Strawberry Pie and as usual, the first try was a disaster. That's okay though. As stressful as it is trying to fix something you've messed up real bad, I get to learn a lot. On the up-side my dough was nice and flakey but it shrunk and I over baked the second batch...I'll try again tonight and hopefully it'll work out. I have to tell you about my trip to St. Lawrence Market. It was my first time there and it was AMAZING!

I really need to invest in a camera cause I would've loved to have taken a lot of pictures. Silly me, I thought the camera on my cell phone would be good enough. That's what I use to take all my pictures on this blog too by the way. =/ Even if I had a camera though I was so amazed by everything there, I don't think I would've had time to take pictures. The picture above was the only good one I got. The place was packed and to save my friends from embarrassment, I tried not to act like a tourist. One day I totally will though, maybe the long weekend. For now, I'll have to provide you with other people's pics.

Photograph © City of Toronto
 I love this place. This is South Market. It's like a great big super market. You have stalls for fruit, meat, fish, wine, fresh pasta, cheese, mustard, pork, cooking gadgets (and regular cooking equipment) a bakery and so much more. When I go back I'll take pictures of each stall for you and by stalls, I don't mean little one person stalls. I mean like their own little boutiques and that's just the main floor.

Downstairs, there's even more. A little salt stall caught our eye, mostly cause that's where we were waiting when one of us went to use the washroom. They had beautiful little gift boxes of sample spices and salts and we had a little sample of White Truffle Salt on a piece of mozzarella. OH MY GOODNESS! I never knew salt could taste so good and impart so much flavour. It's a pricey item, but for good reason. We couldn't stop thinking about it until we left the market all together.

There was also a super small table, like the size of a school desk, filled with Macarons from Kelly Lee. Shes living my dream right now so in a strange way I'm proud of her and support her... That's kinda creepy. (Go Kelly!) Anyway she has a table downstairs near the back They are delish!

Also downstairs they have a really wide variety of rices and flours and such at Rube's. These can all be bought in bulk; this is great if you only want a bit of something, like Xanthan Gum which is super expensive and you don't use a lot, except for some gluten-free products. I got some sorghum flour and xanthan gum for only $1.50! So perfect for me.

Uhhh... Wasn't this supposed to be about the Strawberry Festival?

Yea about that, we didn't know where this was going to be taking place. Turns out it was in the North Market, which is only open on Saturdays. At least we think it was there, we got there kind of late and as there were many strawberry labeled posters and t-shirts we can only assume that's were most of the events were. Most of them were packing up when we got there. So we missed out on that but I still picked up some strawberries, blueberries and these great goodies:

Oh yea it was the last day of Illuminato so while walking around downtown, we got to pick up some free stuff. Yay for free stuff.

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