
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I packaged up some of the chocolate chip cookies I made and decided to do a little advertising for this blog. Thanks to K for helping me prepare them and J for the pictures.

I brought them to the Sigma Racing Time Attack Series' first event. We were all there to support bdon22, he's featured on the front page! It turned out to be a beautiful day and I got a nice surprise, an old university friend was there. OH and I got to ride in a race car. Super Fun. This could mean trouble though, I might be a little more okay about my dear F getting mods on his new car. Maybe.

Racing aside, the cookies were a hit and were gone in less than 10 minutes. =D I didn't think racing dudes would check out my blog (I tried to go to groups were there were girls) but surprisingly enough someone did! One is enough to make me happy but I really want to get a lot of feedback. That means more baked treats at track days and weekend outings. I may have to dump random pies and cookies and such at my Baking Fairy God-Sister's house too. Look out!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Classic Cookie

What's the first cookie you think of when you think cookie?

Was it a buttery shortbread cookie? A sandwich cookie like Oreos? Peanut butter cookies? Oatmeal raisin? (I'll get around to making all of those sooner of later.)

No, I bet it was Chocolate Chip. Am I right? If you searched cookie in Google surprisingly, This is what comes up (What!?). But right after that is this (That's more like it). And what kind of cookie is displayed? That's right, Chocolate Chip Mmm Mmm.

The comfort cookie, raw or cooked; the cookie in milk and cookies. The cookie of choice for Cookie Monster (credible source ya?). Why wouldn't it be? They're soft and gooey, with partially melted chocolate chips right after they come out of the oven. I'm drooling just thinking about it.

So of course I had to write a blog about chocolate chip cookies, this couldn't truly be a baking blog without it. So here it is: Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cupcakes, Meringues and Mother's Day!

Mothers! Happy Mothers Day! Super Happy Mothers Day, especially since so many of my cousins are having babies recently; from the Abbotsford, B.C. to Edmonton, AB, to Toronto, ON and Montreal, QC.

Now I'm not gonna lie, Mother drives me nuts sometimes and I probably drive her nuts sometimes too. If it weren't for Mommy though, I couldn't be elbow deep in flour, sugar, eggs and dough. So thank you Mommy for birthing me err... bringing me into this world.

So my present to her this year, I accepted my offer to attend school for Respiratory Therapy. Might not really sound like a gift to HER but trust me, it was. Oh and I made her some cupcakes or more like I made some cupcakes inspired by Mother's day cause Mother doesn't much like sweets so I made a very small batch. She didn't even try them. ='(

Anyway I present to you my Blueberry Buttercream Cupcakes with Meringue Kisses.